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Xavier de Walque

Board Member

Xavier de Walque holds a Degree in Business Engineering from Solvay Business School, ULB. Xavier began his career as adviser to the vice-prime Minister in charge of economic, financial and tax affairs (1988 – 1991). He then worked for 10 years at Cobepa (Compagnie Benelux Participations - Paribas Group) and entered the Dexia Group where he occupied several positions between 2001 and May 2011. Since May 2011, he has been the CFO and the Member of the Executive Committee of Cobepa and has taken several Board mandates within group companies. He is also a Member of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee of Cofinimmo. From April 2012 to April 2024, he was also a Member of the Board of AG Insurance. During that period, he joined several Board committees (Risk, Audit, …).

Mandates and positions held


  • Non-executive Member of the Board of Directors

Other mandates within Ageas

  •  None

Positions held with other listed companies


    • Member of the Board of Directors (since 2004)

    • Member of the Audit Committee (since 2009)

    • Member of the Appointments, Remunerations and Corporate Governance Committees (2009-05/2011)

Other positions held

  • COBEPA SA (since May 2011):

    • Chief Financial Officer, Member of Executive & Investment Committees

    • Non-executive directorship of 11 companies of the Cobepa Group :

      • Cobepa North America (since 2014)

      • Cobid SA (since 2022)

      • Cobip SA (since 2019)

      • Cosylva SA (since 2014)

      • Financière Cronos SA (since 2014)

      • Ibel SA (since 2011)

      • Mascagna SA (since 2011)

      • Mosane SA (since 2011)

      • RPLT 2023 SRL (since 2023)

      • Sophinvest SA (since 2012)

      • Ulran SA (since 2011)

  • Non-executive director AGLT 2024 SRL (since June 2024)

  • BELGIAN FINANCE CENTER (since 2017):

    • Member of the Board of Directors

  • WOMEN ON BOARD (since 2016):

    • Member of the Selection Committee